Book of the Week #14


Stephen King is an author who has basically passed me by for all my life. Every interaction with his works has come in the form of film adaptations for The Shining and IT — meaning I have next to no understanding about his writing style, the quality of his works, and all that. All I know is that the man produces new novels like there’s no tomorrow.

Fairy Tale is a fairly modern dark fantasy novel from 2022, and that’s why I am highlighting it, because it represents the type of books I avoid. But it is good to try new things now and then.

King’s story follows Charlie Reade, a seventeen-year-old boy with a knack for sports, but with a rocky and broken family life. Upon meeting a strange old man, Charlie eventually ends up going through a portal to another world, where he has to tackle on ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil.

To be honest, I feel my interest waning. Like a lot of fantasy-related works, it sounds rather generic, what with the ‘boy with tragic background finds himself now entirely wrapped up in a massive conflict between good and evil in another world.’ Still, I should not be dismissive of something I haven’t given a chance to, and I am sure many people would enjoy it, hence my highlighting of it here today.

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