Books I Read in June 2023


With June over, it’s time to recap what I finished reading in chronological order. Unfortunately, I started a lot of books, but haven’t quite finished them off — so I’ve got plenty to wrap up across the next few weeks!

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

I’ve been back and forth on this book since the tail-end of January, but finally managed to get myself through it in a few days of steady reading.

It may just be a personal thing, but something about it bored me for months. I think the premise is interesting, the characters are fairly grounded and a tad odd, and the entire narration bears an angsty streak. Anyway, I’ll look into reading other Murakami works and see how I feel from there.

Good Children Don’t Kill by Louis Thomas

I picked this book at random from a collection and quite liked the premise and moral dilemmas within it. The third-person perspective was also refreshing, given that I have been getting myself through a lot of first-person novels.

It has a comedic side that blends with the suspense, plus it was shorter than Norwegian Wood, which served as a relief. A solid read about an unravelling mystery involving teenagers.

Books Read: 2

Pages Read: 570

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