Books That Bored Me to Death


As much as I like reading, I also find myself wanting to toss a book aside if I’m not invested after a handful of chapters.

Sometimes it’s the style of writing, the lacklustre story, the literary era, the audience it was written for, or the genre. Sometimes it may just be me and my preferences! Either way, I have found that reading on in a book that is numbing my mind never feels rewarding in the end. If you don’t enjoy the book halfway in, you’re unlikely to enjoy it at all.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Having read it for sixth-form studies in high school, I can only admit that I found it quite boring (as I expressed here).

I don’t exactly hate it, and it had some interesting points and good characters, but I doubt I’d ever dare to read it again. But I can easily see why others adore it.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

A novel I couldn’t stomach and actually didn’t even bother to finish (despite having to write an in-depth essay on it).

Darcy was probably the only character I enjoyed out of what I read and skimmed, but it was generally a very stiff and dated read. Still, the historical value is there.

I’m Travelling Alone by Samuel Bjork

I did finish this novel, but goodness do I regret it. What a waste of time, ink, and paper to produce this cringeworthy mess.

I really did not like this one. It’s cheesy and amateur, not to mention overly dramatic, predictable, and just plain weird (and not in any good or fun ways).

A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

Fantasy and ‘epic’ stakes aren’t really my thing when it comes to books or films, so an ultra lengthy novel like this is just not suited to me from the get-go.

Having been gifted this book two years ago, I read a hundred or so pages before I lost interest with its (to me) dull narrative.

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