Category: Discussions

  • Why I Dislike BookTok & Bookstagram

    Why I Dislike BookTok & Bookstagram

    Since 2020, the #booktok and #bookstagram trends have continued to grow. Whilst there are many positives, such as author exposure and a general promotion of the idea of reading, many of these creators/accounts tend to be a lot more shallow than perceived. As a slight warning, this post will probably represent a slight rant on…

  • Why We Like to Read

    Why We Like to Read

    Do you ever sit back and wonder why it is we like to read? Not all of us question our habits, but sometimes it’s good to know what we enjoy about them and what compels us to sit down with nothing but words and our imagination for a few hours per week. 1. Escapism In…

  • Will A.I. Become a Part of Books & Novels?

    Will A.I. Become a Part of Books & Novels?

    Do you fear A.I.? It may very well take over our books and novels within the near future.