Category: Guides & Advice
Buying Novels Based on Length
If you keep a particularly tight budget, or simply like getting your money’s worth out of books, then you probably shop around for the ones that are a bit thicker than others. Personally, I don’t consider length too much of a problem unless a novel is incredibly short or stupidly long. Me aside, here is…
Set Quality Standards for Your Blog
How high do you set your own bar? That’s a question you’re going to have to ask yourself whenever it comes to writing for a blog — your blog. Ideally, you should be setting your standards somewhere between what you want to achieve and what is comfortable and practical for yourself. I’m all for quality,…
The Best Device for Blog Writing
To run a blog means that you have to have at least one computer in your possession (as doing it entirely from a phone sounds like some form of divine punishment), but what type of setup should you strive for? And what sort of device suits your needs? In this post, I’m going to use…
Tips for Your Yearly Reading
Readers, especially in the age of social media, like to place a large emphasis on their yearly reading goals and habits. Personally, I actually quite like this, which is why I want to offer some tips and suggestions to help spice up your year of reading. I hope you’ll consider some of these, even if…
Getting Through & Avoiding Bad Books
Assuming you won’t take the advice to just set a bad book aside, here are some things that might help you get through a particularly boring or bad read. Hopefully you’ll never have to use much of this advice, but we will all encounter a bad book that fails to engage us at least a…
How to Make Reading More Cosy
Reading is an inherently cosy activity. It’s about losing yourself in a novel’s world, or by enjoying the process of learning about a real-world person or event. But there are various ways we can make our reading more cosy and comfy, playing into the romanticised sentiment that seems to be all over social media nowadays….
Pacing & Achieving Your Reading Goals
As someone who suffers quite a bit from reader’s block and burnout, I’ve come to realise the importance of pacing your reading habits (even if I, myself, am still prone to surges and drops in my desire to read) and setting attainable goals. What many readers do is establish a quantitative yearly reading goal, such…
Why It’s Important to Schedule Blog Posts
The sooner you get started on things, the sooner they’ll be done. That’s a saying I recall hearing across my childhood, and when applied to the world of blogging, it essentially means you should always endeavour to work as quickly and as far ahead as you possibly can. Downtime for writers and creators is important,…
The Pros and Cons of Novellas
If you look around the posts on this website, you’ll notice I’m quite the fan of shorter fiction. For me, novellas hit a sweet spot between length, depth, creativity, and value for money. But, much like any other form of fiction, novellas have their pros and cons. Some people really dislike them, and others (like…
Don’t Scrap Your Post Ideas
Over the last year, I have written a lot of unfinished or unpublished posts for this website. However, as of late, I’ve realised that the posts — or their topic(s) — were fairly interesting and have plucked a lot of them out of my drafts and finally put them on the website. One such example…