Category: Blog

  • Why We Like to Read

    Why We Like to Read

    Do you ever sit back and wonder why it is we like to read? Not all of us question our habits, but sometimes it’s good to know what we enjoy about them and what compels us to sit down with nothing but words and our imagination for a few hours per week. 1. Escapism In…

  • More Tips For Easily Distracted Readers

    More Tips For Easily Distracted Readers

    Even more tips to help those of you who can’t always remain immersed in your reading. If you haven’t seen part one, simply click here. 1. Read During Off-Peak Hours Whether it be an hour before bed, or first thing in the morning, reading when the world around you is mostly asleep is a great…

  • Five Great Word Processors for Writers

    Five Great Word Processors for Writers

    Finding the right environment to draft out your stories, blog posts, or study notes can be a real pain sometimes. You may find yourself limited by the word processor you currently use, or, alternatively, you may find that your current software is needlessly advanced for what you want to do. Here’s five great word processors…

  • Tips For Easily Distracted Readers

    Tips For Easily Distracted Readers

    I’m sure you’ll agree that being interrupted whilst reading is a rather annoying affair. Not only does it throw away all your immersion, but it can really impede the tension of the story and the quality of your experience with the book. If you’re like me and prone to being dragged back into reality whilst…

  • Will A.I. Become a Part of Books & Novels?

    Will A.I. Become a Part of Books & Novels?

    Do you fear A.I.? It may very well take over our books and novels within the near future.

  • How to Read on a Budget

    How to Read on a Budget

    Book shouldn’t cost a fortune! Here’s some great places to find deals and discounts for cheaper reading.