Category: Blog
I (Usually) Dislike Live-Action Adaptations of Books
As a general rule, I don’t like films (or shows) that are based on books, and it’s not because of the pretentious reason that you think it is! With American Psycho’s adaptation being the only exception coming to mind, visual mediums rarely capture the exact emotions and themes of the novel they’re pulling from, making…
Everything I Read in 2022
A little retroactive post never hurt anyone. With July 2nd marking the midpoint of the year, I thought it would be fun to put out a post officially listing what I read in 2022 (even if every book has been reviewed prior to this). I actually read more than I realised in 2022, and more…
Why It’s Important to Schedule Blog Posts
The sooner you get started on things, the sooner they’ll be done. That’s a saying I recall hearing across my childhood, and when applied to the world of blogging, it essentially means you should always endeavour to work as quickly and as far ahead as you possibly can. Downtime for writers and creators is important,…
One Year of The Steady Read!
It has been a whole year since I first published my review of Heaven by Mieko Kawakami, which marked the beginning of the website as an actual place for content and reviews to be hosted. However, as I have alluded to in other posts, this website has existed before in differing locations and versions. At…
The Pros and Cons of Novellas
If you look around the posts on this website, you’ll notice I’m quite the fan of shorter fiction. For me, novellas hit a sweet spot between length, depth, creativity, and value for money. But, much like any other form of fiction, novellas have their pros and cons. Some people really dislike them, and others (like…
Don’t Scrap Your Post Ideas
Over the last year, I have written a lot of unfinished or unpublished posts for this website. However, as of late, I’ve realised that the posts—or their topic(s)—were fairly interesting and have plucked a lot of them out of my drafts and finally put them on the website. One such example is my post bashing…
Novels with ‘Bland Cover Syndrome’
I tend to mention from time-to-time that covers are important, even if the contents of a novel are all that actually matters in the end. A creative, satisfying, and refined cover that conveys quality (as well as the tone of the story) is essential to making a book more enticing to shoppers. That’s why I…
Why I Dislike BookTok & Bookstagram
Since 2020, the #booktok and #bookstagram trends have continued to grow. Whilst there are many positives, such as author exposure and a general promotion of the idea of reading, many of these creators/accounts tend to be a lot more shallow than perceived. As a slight warning, this post will probably represent a slight rant on…
Blogging: A Venture in Constant Improvement
Perhaps this website seems like the epitome of ‘newbie’ to you, but I assure you that it was once a lot more messy, directionless, and unprofessional. In my year or so of blogging, whether it be before the existence of this website or now during it, I have never stopped improving. This site, for better…
My Most Used Reading White Noise Videos
If you’re like me, then it doesn’t take much to agitate you when reading. A slight murmur of someone in the other room, the muffled noise of the television downstairs, your phone going off, or even just the neighbour’s yappy dog – it’ll drag your mind away from the book before you. In many cases,…