Tag: 1969

  • Review: Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead by Milan Kundera

    Review: Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead by Milan Kundera

    After spotlighting it in a recent Book of the Week post, I was spurred to give Milan Kundera’s Faber Stories release a read. I also learned that the author himself passed in July 2023, which surprised me upon seeing that many of his other works were now forty or fifty years old. Let the Old…

  • Review: A Place in the Woods by Helen Hoover

    Review: A Place in the Woods by Helen Hoover

    A very calming recount of a lifestyle that has continued to die out as the years go by. A Place in the Woods tells the true story of Helen and Adrian Hoover as they leave their residence in Chicago to enjoy a life in the wilderness next to Lake Superior, just after the midpoint of…