Tag: Book List

  • Everything I Read in 2022

    Everything I Read in 2022

    A little retroactive post never hurt anyone. With July 2nd marking the midpoint of the year, I thought it would be fun to put out a post officially listing what I read in 2022 (even if every book has been reviewed prior to this). I actually read more than I realised in 2022, and more…

  • Monthly Book Haul (June ’24)

    Monthly Book Haul (June ’24)

    Well, that’s June over, and let me just start by saying ‘whoops.’ It seems the more I usher myself to cut back on my spending, the more I end up doling out to fluff my library of books up. I don’t know why I persist with buying so many, I genuinely have hundreds in my…

  • Monthly Book Haul (May ’24)

    Monthly Book Haul (May ’24)

    May marked the month when I could kick back for the summer, or at least try. I have now got a few months without too many headaches and commitments coming my way, so I thought it would be nice to browse for a handful of extra books to line my shelves. I probably won’t be…

  • Novels with ‘Bland Cover Syndrome’

    Novels with ‘Bland Cover Syndrome’

    I tend to mention from time-to-time that covers are important, even if the contents of a novel are all that actually matters in the end. A creative, satisfying, and refined cover that conveys quality (as well as the tone of the story) is essential to making a book more enticing to shoppers. That’s why I…

  • Monthly Book Haul (April ’24)

    Monthly Book Haul (April ’24)

    I entered April telling myself I had enough books and other responsibilities to keep me busy, but I still ended up purchasing a few more books to hopefully while away the summer to (in addition to my already mountainous TBR list). At least the summer is around the corner, and some responsibilities will ease up…

  • Books That Bored Me to Death

    Books That Bored Me to Death

    As much as I like reading, I also find myself wanting to toss a book aside if I’m not invested after a handful of chapters. Sometimes it’s the style of writing, the lacklustre story, the literary era, the audience it was written for, or the genre. Sometimes it may just be me and my preferences!…

  • Five Great Japanese Books Under 200 Pages

    Five Great Japanese Books Under 200 Pages

    I love to read books by Japanese authors, particularly those on the shorter side. Something about the way the Japanese write, regardless of whether the work was translated or simply wrote in English to begin with, doesn’t shake the way these authors can so easily convey a scene, an emotion, or their (usually) odd sense…

  • Monthly Book Haul (March ’24)

    Monthly Book Haul (March ’24)

    I thought it would be interesting to give an insight into books I’ve bought throughout each month (at least the months when I do purchase new books… my collection is extremely large and is mostly unread). I considered posting my hauls a long time ago, but I held off because I felt it was more…

  • Books with Abstract/Interesting Covers

    Books with Abstract/Interesting Covers

    They say not to judge a book by its cover, but that really is the first thing you judge it by. Just as we make first impressions based on someone’s appearance — their features, fashion, and hygiene — we make a first impression with a book. Similarly to when someone you know changes their style…

  • Everything I Read in 2023

    Everything I Read in 2023

    2023 had its ups and downs, as well as plenty of pauses in my reading habits thanks to life and other responsibilities. Despite these occasional stutters, I still managed to read a good handful of books. Regardless, here’s to a better year in 2024, as well as a lot more reading on my part. Please…