Tag: Novels

  • Everything I Read in 2024

    Everything I Read in 2024

    Regarding my reading habits, 2024 was much better than 2023. Whilst I did start out with many Japanese authors (most of whom have already appeared in my other reviews), I made it my goal to sample works from other races and nationalities, alongside indulging in more female-written books. Another two goals I had was to…

  • Paperback or Hardcover?

    Paperback or Hardcover?

    When it comes to physical prints of books, some people hold a preference for whether they read from a paperback print or a more durable hardcover version. Some people couldn’t care less. But why do we sometimes lean towards one or the other? And what are the advantages and drawbacks of either format? Paperback Given…

  • A.I. and Book Translation

    A.I. and Book Translation

    Let me get one thing straight: I essentially hate artificial intelligence. I don’t hate it for what it is, nor am I ignorant to the many positives it can introduce into the engineering, healthcare, IT, and business sectors. I simply fear and resent its advancements and endangerment of the arts—namely illustration, photography, writing, and potentially…

  • The Strange Appeal of Violent Novels

    The Strange Appeal of Violent Novels

    Whether it be crime thrillers about catching a murderer, or sadistic romps like American Psycho, the simple reality is that we readers generally enjoy a good bit of violence in our novels. Of course, there will be some who absolutely despise novels with violence, but go and find me a horror, thriller, or crime novel…

  • Buying Novels Based on Length

    Buying Novels Based on Length

    If you keep a particularly tight budget, or simply like getting your money’s worth out of books, then you probably shop around for the ones that are a bit thicker than others. Personally, I don’t consider length too much of a problem unless a novel is incredibly short or stupidly long. Me aside, here is…

  • Bad Book Tropes: Incredible Detectives & Contrived Plots

    Bad Book Tropes: Incredible Detectives & Contrived Plots

    As my scathing review of I’m Travelling Alone implied back in the middle of 2023, I’m not keen on the detective/crime/thriller genre—or at least that’s what I thought until I read Tokyo Express earlier this year. Then I realised it was less about the genre and more about the ability of the author. Whenever I…

  • A Bookshelf Is a Must

    A Bookshelf Is a Must

    Regardless of how ‘into’ reading you are, a bookshelf is a must for everyone’s home, even if it is mostly for show and decoration purposes. You might question why you should have a bookshelf, especially in this age of Kindle and digital media. But the reality is that no matter how paperless and fully digital…

  • Getting Through & Avoiding Bad Books

    Getting Through & Avoiding Bad Books

    Assuming you won’t take the advice to just set a bad book aside, here are some things that might help you get through a particularly boring or bad read. Hopefully you’ll never have to use much of this advice, but we will all encounter a bad book that fails to engage us at least a…

  • Bad Book Tropes: Enemies to Lovers

    Bad Book Tropes: Enemies to Lovers

    As a genre, enemies to lovers has really picked up in recent years. Maybe I’m not the right person for the genre, as it not only seems to be more popular with female and younger readers—but I prefer romance as just another element of a book, rather than its whole personality. This is my reasoning…

  • Pacing & Achieving Your Reading Goals

    Pacing & Achieving Your Reading Goals

    As someone who suffers quite a bit from reader’s block and burnout, I’ve come to realise the importance of pacing your reading habits (even if I, myself, am still prone to surges and drops in my desire to read) and setting attainable goals. What many readers do is establish a quantitative yearly reading goal, such…