Tag: Novels
Everything I Read in 2022
A little retroactive post never hurt anyone. With July 2nd marking the midpoint of the year, I thought it would be fun to put out a post officially listing what I read in 2022 (even if every book has been reviewed prior to this). I actually read more than I realised in 2022, and more…
Monthly Book Haul (June ’24)
Well, that’s June over, and let me just start by saying ‘whoops.’ It seems the more I usher myself to cut back on my spending, the more I end up doling out to fluff my library of books up. I don’t know why I persist with buying so many, I genuinely have hundreds in my…
The Pros and Cons of Novellas
If you look around the posts on this website, you’ll notice I’m quite the fan of shorter fiction. For me, novellas hit a sweet spot between length, depth, creativity, and value for money. But, much like any other form of fiction, novellas have their pros and cons. Some people really dislike them, and others (like…
Novels with ‘Bland Cover Syndrome’
I tend to mention from time-to-time that covers are important, even if the contents of a novel are all that actually matters in the end. A creative, satisfying, and refined cover that conveys quality (as well as the tone of the story) is essential to making a book more enticing to shoppers. That’s why I…
Five Great Japanese Books Under 200 Pages
I love to read books by Japanese authors, particularly those on the shorter side. Something about the way the Japanese write, regardless of whether the work was translated or simply wrote in English to begin with, doesn’t shake the way these authors can so easily convey a scene, an emotion, or exercise their odd sense…