Tag: Read

  • Bad Book Tropes: Enemies to Lovers

    Bad Book Tropes: Enemies to Lovers

    As a genre, enemies to lovers has really picked up in recent years. Maybe I’m not the right person for the genre, as it not only seems to be more popular with female and younger readers—but I prefer romance as just another element of a book, rather than its whole personality. This is my reasoning…

  • How to Make Reading More Cosy

    How to Make Reading More Cosy

    Reading is an inherently cosy activity. It’s about losing yourself in a novel’s world, or by enjoying the process of learning about a real-world person or event. But there are various ways we can make our reading more cosy and comfy, playing into the romanticised sentiment that seems to be all over social media nowadays….

  • Pacing & Achieving Your Reading Goals

    Pacing & Achieving Your Reading Goals

    As someone who suffers quite a bit from reader’s block and burnout, I’ve come to realise the importance of pacing your reading habits (even if I, myself, am still prone to surges and drops in my desire to read) and setting attainable goals. What many readers do is establish a quantitative yearly reading goal, such…

  • Everything I Read in 2022

    Everything I Read in 2022

    A little retroactive post never hurt anyone. With July 2nd marking the midpoint of the year, I thought it would be fun to put out a post officially listing what I read in 2022 (even if every book has been reviewed prior to this). I actually read more than I realised in 2022, and more…

  • The Pros and Cons of Novellas

    The Pros and Cons of Novellas

    If you look around the posts on this website, you’ll notice I’m quite the fan of shorter fiction. For me, novellas hit a sweet spot between length, depth, creativity, and value for money. But, much like any other form of fiction, novellas have their pros and cons. Some people really dislike them, and others (like…

  • Novels with ‘Bland Cover Syndrome’

    Novels with ‘Bland Cover Syndrome’

    I tend to mention from time-to-time that covers are important, even if the contents of a novel are all that actually matters in the end. A creative, satisfying, and refined cover that conveys quality (as well as the tone of the story) is essential to making a book more enticing to shoppers. That’s why I…

  • My Most Used Reading White Noise Videos

    My Most Used Reading White Noise Videos

    If you’re like me, then it doesn’t take much to agitate you when reading. A slight murmur of someone in the other room, the muffled noise of the television downstairs, your phone going off, or even just the neighbour’s yappy dog – it’ll drag your mind away from the book before you. In many cases,…

  • Everything I Read in 2023

    Everything I Read in 2023

    2023 had its ups and downs, as well as plenty of pauses in my reading habits thanks to life and other responsibilities. Despite these occasional stutters, I still managed to read a good handful of books. Regardless, here’s to a better year in 2024, as well as a lot more reading on my part. Please…

  • Sixty Books I Want to Read Based on Their Covers

    Sixty Books I Want to Read Based on Their Covers

    As the title states, here is a rather lengthy showcase of sixty titles I’d like to read, purely because their cover is cool or interesting to me. Let me be clear that these are in no particular order, but I hope you can pick out a few for yourself and maybe give them a read….

  • Re-Read Your Childhood Favourites

    Re-Read Your Childhood Favourites

    Readers are creatures of habit, ones forged during our formative years. Anyone with an affinity for books in their matured years will, in most cases, have grown up with reading. Whilst many children were encouraged or ‘forced’ to read during the primary/elementary school days, it is unlikely that many of them ever carried on reading…