Terms & Conditions

The Terms & Conditions page will be updated to accommodate any applicable changes if, or when, these changes come into effect.


As of December 2024, The Stead Read does not currently offer any paid products, nor does it provide any paid services. This may be subject to change and this section will be updated to reflect any introduction of paid products and services.

Prices & Payments

Payments currently exist in the form of voluntary, and entirely optional, donations to the website’s owner (for the purposes of supporting the website upkeep). These can be completed through PayPal and the website’s built-in donation form. The choice of payment method and platform is at the donator’s discretion.

Donators will not be subject to fees of any kind, unless it is applied from via their bank or payment platform (i.e. not in The Steady Read’s control). However, their donated amount may have a fee applied to it before it reaches the website owner. This fee is applied to the amount donated, not as an additional charge to the donator.

(Example: a donation of £10 may have a 5% fee, meaning only £9.50 successfully reaches the website owner. The donator will, however, only part with £10 total, they will not incur the 5% fee as an additional charge.)

Donations operate on a pay as you’d like mentality. This means each visitor of the website is free to contribute an amount of their choosing via a one-off, monthly, or yearly payment. Equally, visitors are not obligated to donate, and will never be pressured to do so.


There are currently no options to refund completed donations. However, as a gesture of good will, short-term exceptions may be made for of PayPal donations (get in contact as soon as possible after payment) as they are easy to refund. Please only give what you can, and be certain that you wish to donate the selected amount before submitting your payment. Refunds will likely be issued if there was a significant mistake, such as an accidental, exceptional donation (Example: a donator accidentally sends £100 instead of £10 and quickly gets in contact to explain the error).

Additionally, please ensure to always practice good banking security by using strong passwords, two-factor authentication, device verification, and other security options.

The Steady Read does not store any payment details or passwords, however third-party platforms used to authorise the payment may retain these details if permitted.

Copyright, Content & Usage

Visitors are free to quote, share, and generally borrow whatever text and opinions they would like to from The Steady Read. Credit is not required, but is deeply appreciated.

Images, namely featured book cover art and any photographs taken from Pexels.com, are not property of The Steady Read. However, the website logo and distinct blue ‘Blog’ post icons are, so please do not use them for your own purposes, as this will be interpreted as content theft or impersonation.

Despite the openness of quoting, citing, and using content from The Steady Read, it is advised that you do not plagiarise or outright steal content for personal gain, credit, or profit. Such cases may be reported, removed, or legally challenged if deemed excessive or unlawful — especially if credit is not given, or the stolen content is designed to appear as another individual’s and/or organisation’s work.

Please approach the usage of The Steady Read’s content fairly. Thank you.

Governing Laws

The Steady Read is based in, and hosted in, the United Kingdom. This means the website is governed under the following laws:

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003

General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)

Please note that The Steady Read is an independent website paid for and operated by one individual. It is not a registered UK business, and does not currently offer any paid services or products (excluding voluntary donations from viewers).

As a hobbyist passion project, this website’s main objective is not to be profitable. However, advertisements and sponsorships may appear at a later (currently unknown) date, as a means of supporting website upkeep.