The Ideal Weather for Reading


What is the ideal weather for reading? It’s a question all readers can respond differently to, because the answer is rooted deeply within our personal preferences and circumstances.

To first decide what your ideal weather for reading is, you have to imagine where you are located. Is it indoors or outdoors? Well, if it’s indoors, then you can easily answer with almost any weather condition, but outdoors readings would generally prefer something dry and with lots of light. However, does such a thing matter if you read on a device instead of a printed book?

Furthermore, some people love moody and ambient weather — walls of fogs, swirling clouds above, pounding thunderstorms, the hiss of heavy rain, or the pleasant downward drift of snowfall — and some truly despise these conditions. On the flip side, many readers may not be all too fond of excessive sun or heat, as it could hurt their eyes or cause sweatiness and general discomfort.

A lot of this will boil down to upbringing and current circumstances. Although anyone of any origin can enjoy any type of weather, I would wager that countryside folks have a stronger preference for the more moody, cold, or extreme weathers. Those raised in cities, who perhaps have a lesser connection with nature, will prefer more general weather like moderate sunshine, indifferent overcasts, or the occasional spot of rain.

But no single reader can be shoehorned based on where they grew up or are currently located, because preferences are still always going to be unique facets of each of us. Maybe someone who spent many years in a hot environment has developed a strong admiration for cold and brooding weather, just like how someone from a land of snow may never tire of reading in the warm summer sun.

The answer to the question of ‘what is the ideal weather for reading?’ is never going to be conclusive. The answer always depends on the person, the time, the place, and the overall desire to read. It can even depend on what they read on, the time of day they read, or their spontaneous and ever-changing moods.

The ideal weather for reading? It’s probably any weather, so long as you want to read.

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